Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bank of Montreal & MTS Place Main

It's been a while since my last Google Earth model. Amidst the other Winnipeg building models that I had created that are located at the intersection of Portage & Main, the block of buildings consisting of the historic Bank of Montreal building, and MTS Place was noticeably absent, very much like missing teeth.

Some of the reasons I didn't complete this set of buildings earlier was because:

  • I was either preoccupied or just lazy.
  • I didn't have enough information & photos of these buildings to work from.

I might actually break up this model into individual buildings eventually like I did for the Commodity Exchange tower, Royal Bank building & Winnipeg Square complex so individual buildings can be updated easier without affecting the entire model (and to streamline loading performance). But for now this is just to get the models out there and complete the "smile". OK, not sure if what I wrote actually made sense or not... time for bed.

Update Saturday, April 19th, 2008 11:00 PM: I have removed the combined model and uploaded the buildings separately (except for the incomplete building behind the Bank of Montreal building -- since I have absolutely no photos or information about that building).

MTS Place Main Tower
This 24-storey office tower...

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