Sunday, February 03, 2008

Rock Paper Scissors

I recently decided to start tinkering with developing for the Google Gadgets platform. Google Gadgets is a wrapper API used to create mini-applications that can be embedded into various Google services and properties such as iGoogle, Google Desktop, Orkut, Blogger, Google Page Creator, as well as web pages in general.

Here's a simple little Javascript game of Rock Paper Scissors that I wrote about 3-4 years ago (with a few updates/enhancements), and decided to make into my first Google Gadget. I haven't published it to the Google Gadgets directory yet, but you can use the add button below to add it to your iGoogle homepage.

Add to Google

1 comment:

Ahsy said...

Update 2008-02-06: Changed the hand graphics; I was originally using the graphics found on the Wikipedia entry for "Rock Paper Scissors" -- I figured they are free/public domain images, but I changed them anyway for due diligence... yes that is my hand. I have now submitted this gadget to Google's directory.