Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Five More Google Earth Models

I decided to release 5 more new building models for Google Earth last night. Although they are not really finished or could still use much more work, I figured that I may as well put them out there... perhaps somebody else would be able to take and improve them eventually.

Additionally, since these buildings are arguably some of the most prominent and defining buildings in Winnipeg, having them publicly available in Google Earth sooner is probably better.

The only model of these five that was built from scratch is the Royal Canadian Mint model. The other four models that comprise the Winnipeg Square complex were actually taken from another existing model of the whole Winnipeg downtown area that two other people had contributed. I only made some minor modifications and broke them up into separate buildings for a few reasons:

  • Although the models of the entire downtown area are very nice, they lack a lot of detail and probably cover too large of an area (and uses too much bandwidth) for Google to consider putting it into Google Earth.
  • Makes it easier to work with and modify individual building models for myself and others -- making a change to one building wouldn't have to require uploading all the buildings together again.
  • Separated models would probably load faster in Google Earth, since they can be downloaded individually and possibly concurrently. If the KMZ file is too large, it may take forever for one huge model to appear.
  • It ups the count of building models in Winnipeg ;-)
Here they are... enjoy!

Royal Canadian Mint
The Royal Canadian Mint (RCM,...
Scotiabank Building
The Scotiabank Building is...
Royal Bank Building
Built in 1965, the Royal Bank...
Winnipeg Square
The Shops of Winnipeg Square...

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