Friday, May 28, 2004

Uhhgg. Had a cold/runny nose all day today. Just in time for my weekend too. Why is it I can't get sick during the work week? Decided not to use a paid sick day today, because it would have been pretty much pointless leaving a couple hours early on the last day of my work week. The people I report to are also quite incompetent at managing us, so why not suffer the few hours and save paid sick time off for a full day off sometime?

I should seriously use more paid sick days though. Last year I foolishly gave up all 5 of my paid sick days and got squat in return.

The moral of the story is, unless you want to be stupid like me and give up 40 hours of paid time off, there IS an incentive to get sick. Oh, there's another lesson here too... there's no point trying to prove that you're dedicated to your job, because your incompetent managers will not notice anyway.

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