Sunday, February 03, 2008

Rock Paper Scissors

I recently decided to start tinkering with developing for the Google Gadgets platform. Google Gadgets is a wrapper API used to create mini-applications that can be embedded into various Google services and properties such as iGoogle, Google Desktop, Orkut, Blogger, Google Page Creator, as well as web pages in general.

Here's a simple little Javascript game of Rock Paper Scissors that I wrote about 3-4 years ago (with a few updates/enhancements), and decided to make into my first Google Gadget. I haven't published it to the Google Gadgets directory yet, but you can use the add button below to add it to your iGoogle homepage.

Add to Google

Friday, February 01, 2008

The National Flag of Canada

Time for a little change of pace...

All of the SketchUp models that I have posted so far have been of buildings that are located in Winnipeg, so I decided why not whip up a quickie little SketchUp model that might have some practical use outside of Google Earth (and potentially in it too)? After all, Google's 3D Warehouse is for all types of 3D models, not just models of buildings.

I suppose that when one starts spending a little time looking at and searching for pictures of buildings, you start to notice the presence of ubiquitous objects that exist around many buildings like trees, roadsigns, fences, flagpoles, etc.

So my latest model is none other than a flagpole with the national flag of Canada raised on it. Naturally I decided to do a search in the 3D Warehouse before I started. Not surprisingly, there are quite a number of flagpoles and flags, but none of the Canadian flag yet... that is until now!

National Flag of Canada

Feel free to make use of this model and modify it for your own needs. Yes, it is componentized, so you can easily reuse and work with it inside other models.

By the way, this is just in time for Canada's National Flag Day, which is later this month on February 15th. Introduced in 1965, Canada's modern national flag will be 43 years old this year.