Saturday, November 01, 2008

The about: URI Scheme

Many web browsers implement an internal URI scheme to access built-in features, advanced functionality, default warning/error messages and "easter eggs". In most cases, the scheme name for these URIs is "about:".

The following are lists of about: URIs available in recent versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox / Seamonkey & other Mozilla compatible browsers, and Google Chrome & Chromium.

Internet Explorer
More information:

Customized "about:" URLs can be defined for Internet Explorer in the Windows Registry under the following path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\AboutURLs

The following list is mainly for versions 6 (SP2) and above.

about:blankDisplays nothing -- a blank page.
about:DesktopItemNavigationFailureDisplays the default error page used when the browser can not navigate to the provided local desktop URI.
about:HomeDisplays the current defined home page (the page that loads if you click Internet Explorer's Home button in the page navigation toolbar)
Displays an empty blue webpage. Removed in Windows XP SP2, but can still be accessed using res://mshtml.dll/about.moz
about:NavigationCanceledDisplays the default error page used when the browser aborts loading a page (user cancelled).
about:NavigationFailureDisplays the default error page used when the browser can not navigate to the provided URI.
about:NoAdd-onsIE 7 and above: Displays the warning page used when the browser starts up in safe mode (add-ons disabled).
about:NoAdd-onsInfoIE 7 and above: Displays further help information about running the browser with add-ons disabled.
about:OfflineInformationDisplays the warning page used when the browser is in offline mode.
about:PostNotCachedDisplays the warning page used when the browser can not reload a page without resending previously submitted form data.
about:SecurityRiskDisplays the warning page used when the browser prevents loading a page due to user-configured security settings that are too low.
about:TabsIE 7 and above: Displays the help information page about using tabs.
IE 8 and above: Displays the help information page for the InPrivate browsing feature.

Mozilla products: Firefox, Seamonkey, etc.
More information:

about:Displays a product information page, including name, logo, version, links to licensing information, etc.
about:aboutDisplays a list of about: URIs available (not available in Firefox)
about:blankDisplays nothing -- a blank page.
about:bloatAvailable only in developmental versions of Mozilla-based products.
about:buildconfigDisplays information about options used to build/compile the web browser software.
about:cacheDisplays cache entries & statistics.
about:cache-entryDisplays information about a specific cache-entry. The cache entry must be identified within a querystring. Generally you would not enter this yourself, as the links using this URI are generated by the about:cache viewer.
about:configAllows you to access and modify all configurable options available in the software, including advanced/experimental settings.
about:creditsDisplays an alphabetically organized list of contributors.
about:licenceDisplays licence information
about:licenseAn alias that performs the same function as the above about:licence URI.
about:logoDisplays the logo image used in the software.
about:mozillaDisplays an page containing a excerpt from "The Book of Mozilla" (not an actual book)
about:neterrorDisplays a generic built-in error page (Cannot Complete Request)
about:pluginsLists all available plugins, including details such as versions, file locations, etc.
Firefox 3.0 easter egg appearing after March 8th, 2008
Firefox 3.0 blocked information page used by the malware protection feature.
Shows licensing information for the Ubuntu 8.10 shipped version of Firefox.

Google Chrome / Chromium
More information:

about:memoryLists the browser's memory usage details.
about:statsLists counter and timing statistics of internal methods/functions.
about:networkNetwork I/O tracking & status tool.
about:internetsAn easter egg which makes reference to the "internets" Bushism and "series of tubes" Internet memes
about:histogramsDisplays text-based histograms measuring the performance of internal browser methods/functions.
about:dnsDisplays DNS lookup performance and caching statistics.
about:cacheDisplays a list of webpage resources stored in the local browser cache.
about:crashDisplays the "sad tab" error page -- used when a page causes the current sandboxed browser process to crash (Aw, Snap! Something went wrong while displaying this webpage...).
about:pluginsLists all available plugins, including details such as versions, file locations, etc.
about:versionDisplays version information for various components.